- Throwback's
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Friday, September 18, 2009 @ Revisited
Ionno if i ever posted up any of my past photoshop work.i might have but i was just going thru a folder with some pieces i did when i was into it and came across one that stood out to me now as much as it did back then when i did it....

i don't remember how long it took me to do this but i know i finished it the same day i started it...all by following a lil tutorial from a site. that's all i would do really is browse different forums and sites that had different tutorials, find ones i liked...opened up photoshop and got to work. some took longer than others but i always liked the end results and i would always try to put my own spin on it as well.

But its pretty funny tho....lookin' back on some old old ass pics i took when i had my point and shoot camera. couldn't help but say to myself "gotdamn nigga wtf was you taking pics of?" now that i got an DSLR i look and say "gotdamn nigga what WONT you take a pic of?" lol....that shit is just funny to me.

ionno what happened to that creative side to me...i think i still got it...just instead of it being in photoshop i hold it up to my face every chance i get (my camera) but i cant help but wonder if i still got it in me to crack photoshop back open and go on a trail run and see what happens.......

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Friday, September 11, 2009 @ Boucing Back
Yeah....i think I'm finally starting to get back into the "old" me....been feeling alot better as of lately, job and other shit ain't stressing me so much and i think my stomach is really appreciating that as well.

Seems like ma dukes is getting ready to call it quits from the post office after 40 years of service....yeah "40" years. she'd got the age and years so she's getting out while the gettin's good so ion blame her.

Started making me think tho...about how much of a reflection i am of her....she started off with the post office when she was young....well i KINDA started off with UPS while I'm still young.....she worked inside all her career...I'm working inside as of right now...we both clerks. she was in it for the long haul....I'm hoping to stick to this for the long haul as well. try and get up there where she at...i don't know how long this company expects you to work...besides that guy from MI who retied after 63 years I've only seen guys down here go out after 25-35 years.

But either way I'm hoping to fill those shoes and follow the same footsteps as her but only god knows whats gonna happen for certain but i guess we'll see.

And since I'm still on this bouncing back phase i think ima cut this short and hop on the xbox for a lil L4D (left 4 dead) session. i think i might even hit up a few spots for some flick(r)'s this weekend too.


Sidebar: Shout out to three six mafia for this song...well beat. when an artist can sample an old school hook, beat, vocals, etc etc and do it just right....that shit is just beautiful.

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Friday, September 4, 2009 @ Out of my element
I'd say for the pass month or so i just really haven't been feeling like myself. i cant quite pin point it but Ive gone a few days where i didn't eat...a few nights of restless sleep. i don't know what to call it but i don't really like it. i kind of have an idea on what it is....but id rather not speak on it right now.

I do know for a fact that my job has part to do with this. See for us "peak season" doesn't start until usually Nov/Dec but since July its felt like we're already in it. and since one of the top clerks is out on "new mommy" leave a whole lot of pressure has been put on me to take up the slack since i guess i can consider myself the second best.

i went from doing maybe 10 different jobs everyday to now doing 30. and the shit that just gets me is that once i start doing one job i hear my name being called for something else "trab! we got this over here for you!" "trab! got some wet wets for you!"...BTW...wet wets = wet or leaking packages.

Added on to that a whole heap of pressure is on me at around 10 minutes before the drivers head out which is usually about the time we're finishing up unloading the trailers, getting the last few packages corrected if they have problems etc etc. but it always seems....around that time...while I'm in my work area these dumb ass co-workers bring me a push cart full of packages that are either busted all open, a lil wet...leaking...etc etc.

Now the kicker to all of this is...they expect me...one person...to get all this shit done...all the while possibly being pulled away from it to do something else....or another driver or supervisor bringing me a package that needs an address correction....ALL before 9am.....

Cmon man....that shit has been weighing heavy on me basically since this girl went on leave. everything falls on me. but.....its like i been telling myself. they said they gave me all of this b/c I'm a hard worker...depenable....etc etc which yeah i am.

But i keep hearing "yeah we gotta hire somebody else for this and that" to take some of the pressure off me. but yet ion see no action. when you got damn near 20 packages being left behind almost everyday..some being next day airs (those HAVE to go out the same day no matter what)....then we got a problem.

Its like a blessing and a curse....the more you know...the more they demand from you...which is why sometimes i wish i didn't know as much as i do....then i think about the consequences....maybe i wouldn't be making as much as i do right now....damn shol wouldn't have the rank i do right now...and damn shol wouldn't be getting the hours.

But hey...all of this comes with the territory so i cant even complain (contradicting to all the shit i just typed out huh?). as folks within the company been telling me...stick with it cuz it'll all pay off in the end. we'll see.....

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- Southern Gentleman

What can i say? 22, negro, FL bored and raised, part time photographer, part time graphic designer....well used to be, part time drunk, full time UPS clerk, and a whole bunch of other boring stuff you probably don't wanna read, or might already know

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