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Sunday, May 31, 2009 @ Still Around
Haven't been posting up much but I'm still around....just....been doing me i guess, living and learning and on twitter a lil bit too much.

But ain't really no huge updates either, cept for all the damn rain....thought today would be different since the sun was out for most of the day but soon as i was about to step out the door to go to a ceremony at the church..BAM....crackling of thunder...dark as hell outside...wind starting to whip up...basically twister weather (although there wasn't one).

But so far life has been good, tomorrow will make 10 more days until ill have my first full year with UPS...which means i can put in my vacation time for my family reunion in July.

Still stashing away for a new whip.....which is going better than i thought....i may have aimed too high with a BMW 745 but who knows come Nov/Dec.

I did go see angels and demons last night (basically a sequel to the da vinci code). it was pretty dope. basically science vs. religion. made a good point on how science kinda dismisses religion to a certain extent....but how religion got payback on those who questioned its rulings....id recommend it if your into those type of movies but then again....i ain't no ordinary negro.

But yeah...I'm just feeling kinda good right now. not stressing over anything, not trippin' over anything....just living for the moment. and with that...ill just leave y'all with some shots i took last week....til next time....BEZ

Comment(s) [4]
Friday, May 22, 2009 @ Well Damn...
With every post i feel myself having less and less to talk about, ionno. i have noticed a few others who haven't posted in a while so ion feel too put the loop but just ain't really been shit going on with me....lol....everytime i say that shit something always pop up in my head like bam

I have been tryna go cold turkey on alotta shit i used to eat to turn over a new leaf of sorts since i found out my blood pressure was kinda up last week when i went for a check up. so far i done cut out soda's completely. only vitamin water, bottled water and them Arizona juices now. only kinda chips I'm eating now are sun chips, and the only meal i eat almost on a daily basis is a salad. i know it ain't gonna happen over night but i cant follow the same path as my uncles and cousins in my family (high blood pressure, hyper tension, diabetes, etc).

But yeah...with that being the only bit of an update to share with y'all....i guess ill just leave y'all with this....and don't worry, i share lol.

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Saturday, May 16, 2009 @ Certified
Feel like i ain't did one of these joints in a lil minute, but then again ain't much been going on. the only bit of news i got is that I've been in a training class for my job for the past two days and after a final exam yesterday I'm a certified hazmat responder for my hub. only thing i have to do now is take an respiratory physical exam.

I don't know if this means more money or not (i hope it does) but if the situation ever comes up that i do have to deal with some kind of bio-hazard or hazardous material, its a long and tedious process i gotta go thru to clean it up and file all the paperwork which would mean more hours on the clock for me but ill find out Monday.

Looks like ima be with this company for a long time now....which i don't mind.



Comment(s) [2]
Tuesday, May 12, 2009 @ In God We Trust
So my uncle laid on me and my folk a new line this pass mothers day....."If you got that IN GOD WE TRUST" they'll give you whatever you want, which i do believe is true b/c in all actuality money does talk when it comes to certain things.

But I'm starting to realize (finally) that money ain't everything. yeah it can buy you stuff, but when it comes down to it. that "stuff" is only temporary. cant take it with you when you leave this earth (although you can be buried with it but wtf is the point of that? 0_o)

All I'm really saying is, i see people tryna apply for jobs ALREADY having one simply for the fact that its an extra dollar on the paycheck, i ain't knocking it or anything, by all means get it how you live. but to me, i might not be making the money i WANNA be making right now but ima stay where I'm at b/c i know i WILL be making that money soon.

I wouldn't risk leaving one job that i done built up a rep in and going into something else where they could easily pink slip you and walk you to the door and hire the person that walks in after you and then your back to square one.

Ionno that's just my view on it

Ive spoken my peace.


Sidebar: shout out to Judy for putting this thought into my head

Saturday, May 9, 2009 @ Early Mothers Day
Got her these plus that biggie movie she been wanting to see. Funny she asked me what i was gonna get her and i just played it off, she really had no idea. I may have broke the bank for her with all this but it was worth every cent.

other than that ain't been too much else going on, went and saw next day air yesterday with some folks from the job. it was pretty good except for the ending. that was pretty fucked up with the message and all behind it. but it was something id rather had waited to hit DVD, or bootlegged it, one.

Oh yeah...these shits right here?....better than sex....well almost

But that's about it for now, bout to go hit up a few car lots, i need a new set of wheels



- Southern Gentleman

What can i say? 22, negro, FL bored and raised, part time photographer, part time graphic designer....well used to be, part time drunk, full time UPS clerk, and a whole bunch of other boring stuff you probably don't wanna read, or might already know

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Noey Naki Bri Bri Paris Josh

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- The Crew